Welcome to Auravanova Architecture and Design Studio


private portfolio of Aura Ravanova. architecture design. interior design. and graphic design

For More Informations and Inquiries, feel free to contact me at auravanova@yahoo.com


Interior for Regis Residence

26.1.11 0 komentar
year :
principal :
Gary Fell
Team :
Gayuh A.
Aura Y.
status :
Preliminary Design

Regis Residence, Koh Samui

1 komentar

this is a residence project for Regis Thomas. located at Koh Samui Island, Thailand. the main concept is to shape the building as the given contour, include massive huge rocks.

location of this residence is too beautiful to hide, so we're tend to give as many openings to the view, so the clients can enjoy the beauty from wherever spots inside their house.
